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In English

The Turkish Foreign Ministry protests the opening of a representative of the Autonomous Administration in Switzerland

The Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the Charge of Affairs of the Swiss Embassy, ​​to protest the opening of a representative for the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, which Ankara
considers linked to “terrorist”organizations, in Geneva.

In a statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry refused to open a representative office that supports “terrorist”
organizations such as the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Kurdish forces, according to the statement’s description.

The statement said, “We protest against the context of the efforts of the Autonomous Administration to open representations in Switzerland, Germany, France and Sweden,” noting that “we asked the Swiss Chargé d’Affairs for clarification on the matter.”

The statement added: “The Swiss charge d’affaires stressed that the bloody terrorist organization and its associated groups should not be allowed in any way to engage in propaganda attempts and gain legitimacy under names such as associations and civil society organizations, and terrorist propaganda must be stopped immediately.”

He stressed that Turkey will resolutely continue its struggle against the Kurdish forces, which are also designated a “terrorist” organization by the European Union, and their affiliated groups everywhere.

The Swiss Chargé d’Affairs explained, “It is necessary not to embrace terrorist organizations,” warning that these organizations may infect Switzerland one day.

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