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In English

The Egyptian Foreign Minister reveals the details of his meeting with the “Foreign Minister” of the Assad regime

The Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, said that he discussed during his meeting with Faisal Miqdad, the “foreign minister” of the Assad regime, the steps needed for Syria to get out of its crisis and regain its position as an active party in the Arab World.

Shoukry said, in a telephone interview, on MBC Egypt, which was published yesterday, Saturday, that the meeting confirms “Egypt’s interest in the brotherly Syrian people and the historical relations between them,” noting that “there has always been a major link between Egypt and Syria in maintaining Arab national security.” as described.

Shoukry continued that Egypt appears to be seeking to play an active role in ending the Syrian crisis. “Now that the military battles [in Syria] have tapered off, we must have a role in reinstating communication, to explore the necessary steps that will lead to preserving the Syrian people’s capabilities and getting out of the crisis to restore Syria’s position in the Arab world,”.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/09/egypt-steps-efforts-restore-syrias-position-arab-world#ixzz78EGI3eLb

Shoukry noted that “Egypt always seeks to help its brothers, support the popular will and deal on a ground of interests and consideration without any kind of conspiracy or targeting,” as he described it, and that his country “has not been involved in any way in any of the interactions that occurred during the 10 years past”.

Shoukry described his dialogue with the so-called “Foreign Minister” as: “It was frank and had a lot of interest in the relations between the two peoples.”

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