Finland provides 3 million euros to support children’s education in Syria
The government of Finland has provided 3 million euros to support UNICEF’s ” No Lost Generation” initiative in Syria.
Ms. Tarja Fernndez, Charge d’ Affaires of Finland to Syria said that Finland is committed partner to UNICEF, and education is one of Finland’s key priorities in the region, as well as globally.
The UNICEF has stated in a statement, the funding will strengthen the access of more than 3800 children to a safe learning environment through school rehabilitation and help those out of school or at risk of dropping out to resume their education through supportive learning programs.
The UNICEF has clarified that nearly 1600 children with disabilities will benefit from enhanced opportunities to quality learning and basic services.
Mr. Bo Viktor Nylund, UNICEF Representative in Syria, has said more than a decade into the devastating conflict in Syria, too many children are still missing out on their learning.
Mr. Bo Viktor Nylund has considered This generous funding by the Government of Finland, supporting UNICEF s education interventions and access of children with disabilities to basic services, is substantial to helping the children take the lead on building a brighter future for themselves.
UNICEF has indicated that the crisis in Syria impacts the most vulnerable children and their families. It is necessary to address wellbeing of children in a comprehensive manner to secure their right to education and to prevent violence against children.
Since 2017, the Government of Finland has provided EUR 5.5 million of funding to support children and families in Syria through UNICEF.