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In English

The Jordanian King discusses with his Bharani counterpart the latest developments in Syria

The Jordan’s king, Abdullah II, discussed with his Bahraini counterpart ,Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the economic relations between the two countries, in addition to regional and international issues, including the developments in Syria.

According to the Jordanian news agency “Petra”, The talks covered the latest developments in Syria, with King Abdullah II confirming his country’s support for efforts to preserve the country’s sovereignty, stability, territorial integrity, and the unity of its people.

During the talks which were held at the Sakhir Palace in Manama, the two monarchs stressed the need to work to stop foreign interference in regional affairs and to enhance bilateral cooperation to stabilize the region and protect international navigation in the Arabian Gulf from any threats that affect the movement of global trade.

The two kings expressed satisfaction with the volume of trade exchange, and the advanced level of economic and trade ties, stressing the importance of expanding cooperation across all sectors.

During the talks, the two kings stressed the need to continue to coordinate and consult on issues of mutual concern, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.

The two kings noted the centrality of the Palestinian cause, calling for stepping up efforts to reach just and comprehensive peace, on the basis of the two-state solution, as a strategic option to end the conflict, in accordance with international law and Arab peace initiative.

It is noteworthy that Jordan is seeking, by all means, and through a system of international relations and its ties with Washington and Moscow, to end the estrangement with the Assad regime and accelerate trade and economic movement with it.

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