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In English

Russia and Turkey conduct a patrol in northeastern Syria

Russia announced conducting a joint patrol with the Turkish forces today, Monday, in Qamishli city in Hasakah northern countryside, northeastern Syria, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

This came in a speech by the Russian officer, Andrei Chibezubov, to the journalists of “Russia Today” website, during which he confirmed that the patrols are going well.

Chibezubov added that a joint Russian-Turkish military patrol was successfully carried out in Qamishli city in northeastern Syria.

The Russian officer confirmed that things have been going normally, since the first joint patrol began in November 2019 in this area.

This patrol comes in implementation of an agreement previously signed between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which stipulates the conduct of Turkish-Russian patrols inside Syrian territory.

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