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In English

International relief organizations suspend their activities in al-Hol camp in eastern Syria, following two separate attacks

International relief organizations declared yesterday that they will suspend activities in al-Hol camp in eastern Syria, after killing a health worker and wounding a doctor in the camp.

Local resources confirmed that a health worker was shot dead in the head on Tuesday.

The sources added that anonymous persons stabbed an Ethiopian doctor on Wednesday in the camp in Hasaka southern countryside, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces and includes families of ISIS members.

According to the sources, international organizations operating in the camp have suspended their activities after the two attacks.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are detaining members of the “Islamic State”  and their families inside the “al-Hol” camps, which they set up on April 17, 2017.

According to United Nations estimates, the camp can accommodate only ten thousand people, while more than 70,000 people live inside, 90 percent of whom are children and women.

Source: Anadolu Agency

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