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In English

Washington: “We will not abandon the Syrian people, and we will do everything in our power to help those in need”

US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield issued a statement on Tuesday, in which she confirmed, “the United States will not abandon the Syrians at their time of need,” and “the United States will continue to work with its humanitarian partners to expand access inside Syria.”

Greenfield added, “We will look at all options to stave off the worst-case scenarios and do everything in our power to help those in need.”

Greenfield made it clear that “the United States abstained on a Security Council resolution concerning cross-border aid delivery because the UN mandate was held hostage by the Russian Federation.”

Greenfield pointed out that “the humanitarian needs in Syria are greater than ever since the start of the conflict, but instead of providing more access to provide Syrians with the food, water, medicine, and humanitarian supplies, Russia vetoed the UN Security Council resolution.”

She stated, “The resolution adopted by the Security Council will at least enable UN trucks to again pass through the Bab al-Hawa crossing and ensure that lifesaving aid does not cease completely.

She explained, “That aid is needed desperately. 4.1 million people are in need in northwest Syria compared to 3.4 million last year.”

The U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution Tuesday extending humanitarian aid deliveries through the “Bab al-Hawa” crossing on the Turkish border for 6 months, after the Council had failed to approve on its extension on Friday, due to the Russia’s veto.

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