In English

“Cairo and Moscow” platforms hold a virtual meeting to discuss the latest political developments in Syria

The “Cairo and Moscow” platforms affiliated with the Syrian opposition, and members of the Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC) and the Constitutional Committee, held a virtual meeting to discuss the latest political developments related to the Syrian situation.

According to the statement of the two platforms, the meeting also discussed the role of the (SNC) and the importance of directing its work towards effective engagement in direct negotiations with the aim of fully implementing UNSCR 2254. It was agreed to continue meetings and coordinate future steps.

The “Cairo Platform” confirmed its reservations regarding the meetings of the SNC and the discussions related to amending the internal regulations and the presidency of the body and the decisions issued by them.

The statement considered that the recent amendment to the internal regulations of the SNC, which was passed based on a numerical majority, is illegal, and that this amendment ignores the pluralistic nature upon which the SNC was formed in accordance with UNSCR 2254.

The statement explained that the way in which the SNC is proceeding, and its dealings with internal and international changes, has raised concerns about the level of sense of responsibility required of all components of the SNC.

SNC expressed its concerns that this approach is not just an internal organization, but rather a prelude to political steps, and not the aspirations of the Syrian people.

The statement stressed the platform’s full commitment to the aspirations of the Syrian people and their blessed revolution, and its continued struggle to achieve a political transition that guarantees democracy, political pluralism, respect for human rights and the rule of law, achieving transitional justice and rejecting terrorism, leading to the return of refugees, reconstruction, and revealing the fate and of the missing and detainees and their freedom.

The statement called on all components of the SNC and all political forces to ensure the legitimacy of the SNC and not harm what is gained by the Syrian people alone, and not to harm the ongoing work of the SNC, until the full implementation of UNSCR 2254.

In its meeting on Sunday, July 21, 2024, with the presence of representatives of all its components, the “Syrian Negotiation Commission” previously discussed a number of items related to its statute and the extension of the term of its presidency, in addition to the latest developments in the Syrian political negotiating process and the changes in countries’ positions on the Syrian issue and the meetings of the SNC at the internal and external levels during the past period.

The statement stressed that it is a functional entity charged with managing the political negotiating process, and that its strength stems from the people first, and from the cohesion and strength of its components second, and that they all bear responsibilities, and work together to reach the goals for which the Syrians sacrificed dearly and preciously, and to achieve the required political change specified by international resolutions, especially Geneva statement and UN Resolutions 2118 and 2245.

It is noteworthy that the “Syrian Negotiation Commission” was established at the end of 2015 under the name of the Syrian High Negotiations Commission, and it brings together many Syrian forces that include the political and military opposition. The SNC undertakes the tasks of negotiating with the Assad regime under the supervision of the United Nations.

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