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Israeli “Alma” Research Center warns of Iran’s use of the Syrian research centers to manufacture sophisticated weapons

Israeli “Alma” Research Center warned in its report of the danger of falling the chemical and advanced weapons into the hands of Iran’s axis proxies, especially the Lebanese Hezbollah militia.

The report made it clear that Iran uses the Scientific Studies and Research Center in Syria to produce advanced weapons.

The report considered that Iran anticipates these centers to be as a “growth engine” to develop and produce modern conventional weapons on the Syrian territories depending on the Iranian technology.

The report pointed out that these centers also work to preserve logistics related to transferring weapons from Iran, which are vulnerable to damage or danger.

The report clarifies that Iran mainly focuses on developing and manufacturing precision missiles, cruise missiles and (UAVs), using the infrastructure of the Scientific Studies and Research Center in Masyaf town in Hama countryside.

The report stated that the Syrian research centers are an integral part of the infrastructure of the arms corridor to Syria and Lebanon, both in terms of the production of advanced weapons and their long-term storage for future use by the Iranian axis, or their temporary storage before transferring them to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

A previous Israeli intelligence document revealed that Iran had brought its most powerful militia into Syria, the (Imam Hussein) Division, in preparation for targeting the United States and Israel.

The (Imam Hussein) Division carried out in October 2021, massive attacks with missiles and drones against the US base in Al-Tanf area.

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