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The Free Houran Gathering reveals steps to choose a unified reference for the resumption of revolutionary action in Daraa

The Free Houran Gathering revealed that there are accelerating steps in Daraa province during the recent days to choose a figure, accepted by all the people of the region, as a reference to resume the revolutionary work as it was previously and away from any agendas, similar to Sweida province.

The Free Houran Gathering made it clear that “The people of Daraa are questioning now about the figure that can be accepted by the street, during this stage, which is considered one of the most sensitive and difficult stages of the revolution. A stage that will either end with the victory of the revolution and the overthrow of the Assad regime, or fall into division and delay in achieving what the Syrians want,” according to informed sources.

The sources added that the discussion is currently taking place among dignitaries from Houran about a clear program confirming the revolution in Daraa has not stopped, and will continue, and that it is a people’s revolution far from any religious, tribal, or sectarian dimension. It is a revolution that wants to be a Syria for all Syrians of all sects, governed by law above all, and justice prevails among all.

The sources pointed out that the demonstrations in Sweida from the first day erupted in a unified manner, far from dispersion and disagreements, whether in demands or goals, to show the great role played by the presence of a reference for the people of Sweida, namely Sheikh Hikmat al-Hijri, who took it explicitly upon himself to stand with the people of his governorate in their demands.

According to the sources, the gathering noted that the idea of creating a unified reference for the revolution in Daraa will face some difficulties and obstacles, stressing the need to confront those who adopt exclusionary religious discourses that reject others, and that they will work hard to thwart the unification step under various pretexts, and they have succeeded over the past years in doing so not only in Daraa, but in all of Syria.

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