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In English

UK Special Representative for Syria holds a phone call with Sheikh al-Hijri to confirm her support for the Suwayda protests

The Druze spiritual leader Sheikh, Hekmat al-Hajri, received a phone call from the UK Special Representative for Syria, Ann Snow, in which she confirmed her support for Suwayda uprising against the Assad regime.

Snow said during the phone call that the Syrian-led UN-facilitated political process in line with the UNSCR 2254 is the only way to protect all Syrians’ rights.

Snow made it clear that she spoke with Sheikh Hekmat al-Hajri within a series of calls with those engaged in the protest movement, adding that Britain is closely monitoring the situation.

The Syrian writer and activist from Suwayda city, Maher Sharaf al-Din, stated that this was the first contact from the United Kingdom with Sheikh al-Hijri, explaining that the phone call lasted for an hour and dealt with various aspects of the Suwayda movement and the Syrian situation in general.

It is noteworthy that Sheikh al-Hijri had received calls from the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Ethan Goldrich, who affirmed his country’s support for Syrians’ freedom of expression, including peaceful protest in Suwayda, and renewed his country’s call for a just and united Syria and for a political solution in accordance with the UNSCR 2254.

Sheikh al-Hijri had previously received a call from European Parliament member Katrin Langensiepen, who holds the position of Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee and responsible for the Syrian file in the Green Party in the German Parliament, during which she expressed her support for the uprising of the people of Suwayda.

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