In English
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UN joint statement warns of a humanitarian crisis in northern Syria due to recent military attacks

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has warned of a new humanitarian crisis that will cause dire consequences, against the backdrop of the recent military escalation by Assad regime forces and Russia in northern Syria.

The United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Adam Abdelmoula, along with the Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Muhannad Hadi, in a joint statement regarding the renewal of hostilities in northwestern Syria on Friday, October 6, appealed to all parties to stop hostilities and spare civilians, in accordance with the international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

The statement made it clear that there were reports of separate attacks targeting many sites in northern Syria and others reported the death and injury of civilians, including women and children. The attacks also caused severe damage to vital civilian infrastructure in Aleppo, Idleb, Homs, Tal Tamr, Qamishli, and al-Hasakah.

The statement expressed deep concern over these developments, pointing out that it is a stark reminder that the crisis in Syria continues to devastate the civilian population, destroy civilian infrastructure facilities, and disrupt humanitarian activities.

The statement said at the conclusion to all parties that the Syrian people have the right to live in a peaceful and safe country, regardless of where they live.

Assad regime forces heavily launched two days ago a shelling campaign using rocket launchers and heavy artillery targeting the liberated areas of the countryside of Idleb and Aleppo, resulting in the death of more than 30 civilians and the injury of dozens.

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