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In English
أخر الأخبار

2,670 Palestinians have been killed and 9,600 wounded in the ongoing intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip

The Gaza Health Ministry announced in a Facebook post on Monday, that the death toll from the Israeli bombing on Gaza Strip since October 7 has risen to 2,670 Palestinians killed and 9,600 injured, including children and women.

This statistic coincides with Israel continues its heavy aerial and artillery bombardment of the Gaza Strip for the tenth consecutive day.

The Gaza Health Ministry stated in a Facebook post: “The number of people who fled their homes in Gaza has exceeded 400,000 Palestinians.”

The Ministry added: “The humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip is exacerbated due to the continuous targeting and Israel imposing a stifling siege and cutting off water, electricity and food to the two million people in Gaza. The vicinity of Gaza is also witnessing Israeli preparations aimed at carrying out a ground offensive.

The Ministry warned against collapsing the hospital capacity due to the massacres that the Israeli army has been committing in the Gaza Strip.

While it was reported that Egypt, Israel and the United States agreed to a ceasefire, in which Rafah crossing would be opened for hours to allow the departure of foreigners and aid entry.

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