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In English

Russia condemns the Israeli shelling on Syrian territories

The Russian Foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, condemned on Wednesday the Israeli shelling on Assad regime’s military positions in Syria.

The Russian Foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, held a phone call with the Assad regime’s foreign minister, Faisal al-Mekdad, in which they discussed the Israeli shelling on Syria and the latest developments of the situation in Gaza.

In a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry, following the call, Lavrov pointed out that the armed escalation in Syria and other countries in the region is unacceptable.

The two ministers made it clear that they do not accept the Israeli airstrikes on Syrian territories, which have become more frequent after the events in Gaza Strip.

The statement pointed out to “the danger of interference by external powers, which would turn the Middle East into an arena for geopolitical calculations.”

The two ministers ended the call by urging an immediate ceasefire to stop the bloodshed in Gaza. They also discussed the settlement through political and diplomatic means and the commitment to implement the UN Security Council resolutions.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli army has recently intensified its strikes targeting areas of the Assad regime, especially the Damascus and Aleppo airports, putting them out of service more than once.

It is expected that Israel is shelling the airports in Assad regime areas because Iran sends weapons through them to its militias in Lebanon and Syria.

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