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In English

The Syrian Network for Human Rights documents the killing of more than 30,000 children in Syria since 2011

The Syrian Network for Human Rights documented in a report the killing of more than 30000 children in Syria since March 2011, including 23000 children have been killed at the hands of Assad regime.

The report made it clear on the “International Day of Children” on Monday that the Russian forces are responsible for killing 2049 children, and the ISIS is responsible for killing 958 children.

The report added that the international coalition forces are responsible for killing 926 children, and the Syrian Democratic Forces are responsible for killing 260 children, while 1,829 children were killed by other anonymous parties.

The report stated that at least 198 children died due to torture, in addition to the ongoing arrest and disappearance of 5229 children.

The report pointed out that all parties to the conflict violated the rights of child in Syria, but Assad regime surpassed all the parties in terms of the number of crimes which it committed systematically.

The report held the Committee on the Rights of the Child, emanating from the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the legal and moral responsibilities for monitoring the situation of children’s rights in Syria.

Finally, the Syrian Network for Human Rights called on the responsible authorities to put an end to the violations of children’s rights committed by the Assad regime government.

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