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“The Syrian Network for Human Rights”: Assad regime arrested hundreds of civilians during November 2023

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said on Wednesday no fewer than 221 cases of arbitrary arrest including, 19 children and 14 women, were documented at the hands of parties to the conflict and controlling forces in Syria in November 2023, the majority of them were arrested at the hands of Assad regime forces.

SNHR added in its monthly report that the most notable violations documented in November 2023, including the toll of civilian victims who were killed by the parties to the conflict and controlling forces, were presented and shed the light on abuses against civilians.

SNHR also added that the number of people killed at the hands of Assad regime in November 2023 reached 72 civilians, including 14 children, 7 adult women, 1 medical staff, 1media staff, and 9 killed due to torture, as well as at least 1 massacre was committed by Assad regime.

SNHR pointed out that it documented at least 3 attacks on vital civilian centers, 2 of these attacks were at the hands of Assad regime forces and 1 at the hands of Syrian Democratic Forces, and one attack on educational facility, as well as an attack on worship place.

SNHR made it clear that the report recorded the ongoing attacks by Assad forces on north-west Syria, which saw a remarkable decline in the attacks more than the previous months especially, October. The attacks were concentrated on eastern and southern Idleb countryside, western Aleppo countryside, Sahl al-Ghab in western Hama countryside, which are close to the lines of contact with the armed opposition factions.

The SNHR indicated that most of the ground attacks carried out Assad forces on north-west Syria targeted civilians during their work at harvesting olives from their agricultural lands, causing dozens of casualties.

The SNHR’s report confirmed that Assad regime government has violated the international humanitarian and customary law, and UNSC resolutions, in particular the resolution No. 2139, and No. 2042 related to the release of detainees, and the resolution No 2254, all these violations without any accountability.

The report called on the Security Council to take additional measures after the adoption of Resolution No. 2254, emphasizing the need to refer the Syrian file to the International Criminal Court and hold all those involved accountable, including the Russia after it was proven its involvement in committing war crimes.

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