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The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office in France calls for a decision on the arrest warrant issued against Bashar al-Assad

The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office has called on the court of appeal in Paris to decide the issue of an arrest warrant against Bashar al-Assad, who is charged of complicity in crimes against humanity such as chemical attacks in Syria in 2013.

The Office told Agence France-Presse (AFP): “The issuance of this decision constitutes an exemption to the principle of personal immunity enjoyed by the president, the prime minister, and the foreign minister in every sovereign state.”

The Office added that “The importance of this legal matter and its repercussions required the decision of a higher court before a possible trial taking place.

It is noteworthy that the French criminal investigating judges issued arrest warrants against Bashar al-Assad, his brother Maher, and two senior officials over using banned chemical weapons against civilians in Douma city and the Eastern Ghouta region in 2013, killing more than 1,400 people.

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