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Haaretz: The intensification of Israeli attacks in Syria took advantage of Iran’s tactical weakness

The Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” stated in an article written by the Israeli military expert, “Amos Harel,” that the Israeli army has exploited in the past weeks the tactical weakness of Iran in Syria and has intensified its military strikes there.

The Israeli expert, Amos Harel, said: “While Tehran is waiting for US President Biden to swear an oath to succeed Donald Trump, it attributed to the Israeli army three attacks in Syria within two weeks.”

He added, “In the Israeli security apparatus, they assume that the response to the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist Fakhrizadeh has not been removed from the agenda, and it could come from the south.”

According to the Israeli expert, Harel, the three aforementioned attacks were directed against a variety of targets in Syria, which are sites for the production of weapons, warehouses for weapons in the possession of the Hezbollah militia, and joint sites for the First Corps in the Assad regime forces (Southern Command) that are used by the militia. Hezbollah in southern Syria, and the attacks also targeted an air defense system unit of the Assad regime forces.

Last week, the Israeli Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi, said, “The Iranian position in Syria is in a clear slowdown due to the continued activities of the IDF, but the way ahead is still there to complete the objectives on this front.”

The Israeli army targeted at midnight the sixth of this month the sites of the Assad regime forces and the Iranian militias supporting it in the vicinity of the First Division in the western countryside of Damascus and the radar point of the Assad regime forces, located west of the village of al-Dur in the western countryside of Suwayda.

The twenty-fifth of last month witnessed the Israeli army targeting the Al-Assad forces’ bases in Al-Tala’a camp and the Scientific Research Center in the Masyaf area in the western Hama countryside with several missiles.

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