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In English

The “Response Coordinators” counts the disasters that struck refugee camps in northern Syria within a month

The Syria Response Coordinators team counted the disasters that befell the refugee camps during the month of January, in the liberated north of Syria.

According to a statement issued by the Response Coordinators, the number of fires that broke out in the camps for the displaced during the past month amounted to 22 fires in 26 camps, which caused the death of a child and the injury of seven others, including children and women.

The statement added, “403 camps have been damaged by the rainstorms that hit the region, as 2,761 tents have been completely damaged, 6554 tents partially damaged, and the number of affected displaced people reached 123,502, and the death of a child and the injury of four others, including women.”

While the statement indicated that 97 new cases of Coronavirus were recorded in the displacement camps in northern Syria.

The suffering of the displaced in the camps is renewed, due to rainstorms and the outbreak of fires, and this is due to the weak resistance of the tents to environmental factors, and the lack of all the necessities of life.

Source: Agencies

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