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In English

Hussam Zaki: There is no Arab consensus for Syria’s return to the Arab League

Hussam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab Laegue, stressed that there is no Arab consensus on taking the decision to freeze the membership of the Assad regime in the League, pointing out that Syria’s return to the Arab League is conditional on the members consensus and no new change in positions.

Zaki told the Jordanian “Al-Ghad” channel, that such decisions are taken by the Council of the League of Arab States, and stated that “the Syrian side was not welcome to return to political considerations,” at a time when Russia is trying to pass the project to restore the Assad regime to the university’s seat for re-marketing it in the Arab world.

He explained in his interview with the channel: “We did not hear once to a positive statement from Damascus in this direction, but in all cases it is indeed the decision of the University Council, and this decision must be taken if it wants to achieve this step.”

Leonid Slutsky, head of the International Affairs Committee in the Russian State Duma, previously revealed that Russia is making great efforts to return Syria to the Arab League, after the suspension of Syria’s membership in the Arab League in November 2011.

The National Coalition had confirmed that the Assad regime, with its record full of massacres, displacement crimes, torture, and the use of sarin gas to suffocate children, women and the elderly. It is what prevents Syria from returning to its Arab, regional and international surroundings, and prevents any cooperation, coordination or joint action.

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