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In English

Brussels ministerial meeting seeks to raise $ 10 billion to support Syrian refugees

Senior United Nations officials urged international donors and neighboring countries to increase aid to millions of Syrians affected by the war, according to the “Voice of America” ​​website.

This appeal comes before the Brussels conference in support of Syria, which will be held next week in the Belgian capital.

The Brussels ministerial meeting will seek to raise a record $ 10 billion, as $ 4.2 billion will be allocated to more than 13 million people inside Syria, most of them displaced.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, says the millions of refugees and communities hosting Syrians owe their survival to the support provided by donors during the past 10 years of conflict.

Grandi adds that refugees and host communities suffer from deteriorating living conditions and economic decline, as the Corona pandemic exacerbates the conditions of refugees after a sharp increase in poverty levels among these displaced persons.

He pointed out that the estimates monitored in cooperation with the World Bank confirm the existence of one million Syrian refugees who have entered extreme poverty, especially those who live in Lebanon in particular.

The Syrian refugees suffer difficult living conditions, especially in countries suffering from political and economic crises in the country.

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