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In English

In conjunction with the holding of the Brussels conference.. Jordan is calling for 2.4 billion dollars to meet the needs of Syrian refugees

The Jordanian government launched its plan to meet the needs of the Syrian refugees in Jordan during the current year, setting its need at about $ 2.4 billion.

In statements to the official Al-Mamlaka channel, the Jordanian Minister of Planning, Nasser Al-Shraideh, said, “Part of this funding is dedicated to meeting the direct needs and priorities of Syrian refugees, whether in camps or host communities, a part for the host communities, and part to compensate the public treasury for capital spending for various services such as education.
Health and other services. ”

The Jordanian minister added that “Jordan, which has hosted 1.3 million Syrian refugees and has ensured a decent life for them, suffers from economic pressures and needs more attention. Therefore, the international community must abide by its previous pledges.”

“Since last week, we addressed various donor countries and international institutions, and we emphasized to them the importance of providing the required support to enable us to provide the basic needs and priorities of the Syrian refugees,” he added.

The Jordanian response plan to meet the needs of the Syrian refugees in Jordan comes in conjunction with the Fifth Brussels Conference, which will be held virtually to mobilize support for humanitarian aid in Syria and abroad and the host communities.

Jordan hosts more than 656,000 Syrian refugees registered with the UNHCR, while the Jordanian government estimates the number of Syrians on its soil at 1.3 million.

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