In English

The coalition calls on the United Nations to freeze the membership of the Assad regime and prevent it from representing Syria

The Syrian National Coalition called on the United Nations to freeze the Assad regime’s membership in it and prevent it from representing Syria, similar to what the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons did.

The coalition said in a statement that the Chemical Weapons Organization had adopted a decision to strip the Assad regime of rights and privileges within the organization, including the right to vote and run.

He added, “This decision relates to the work of the Chemical Weapons Organization, but its reasons and background remain correct in the rest of the international organizations, which means that the United Nations General Authority is also required to freeze the membership of the Assad regime in it, prevent it from representing Syria and oblige it to implement international decisions, leading to accountability for those involved in the use crimes.

Chemical weapons in Syria and all other war crimes and crimes against humanity ”.
The statement emphasized that “the Assad regime’s full association and involvement in a continuous series of war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of using chemical weapons has become a definite, documented and proven matter, which transfers responsibility for this to the UN Security Council and the international actors.”

He considered that “the decision, which won the votes of 87 countries, represents a positive step that confirms the determination of the international community to cut off the road for any parties trying to obliterate the crimes of the Assad regime and seek to float, recycle and rehabilitate it.”

The statement expressed regret that the representative of the Palestinian Authority voted on the side of the Assad regime against the resolution.
He pointed out that the findings of the investigation committee of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons confirm the regime’s violation of Resolution 2118, which opens the door in accordance with Article 21 of the resolution to international action under Chapter Seven, and allows for the Assad regime to immediately stop its crimes, expel the detainees, and return the displaced.
On September 11, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) refused to close the Assad regime’s file of finding chemical materials it possesses inside Syria, during a session of the UN Security Council, to discuss the implementation of Resolution 2118 of the Assad regime’s chemical weapons program.

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