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In English

The Assad regime government intends to launch an electronic platform to receive the Coronavirus vaccine

The Minister of Health in the government of the Assad regime, Hassan Ghabash, announced that an electronic platform for vaccination operations with the Coronavirus vaccine will be launched, according to the Assad regime’s “SANA” agency.

Hassan Ghabash said: “An electronic platform will be launched for vaccination operations with the emerging corona virus vaccine (Covid-19), which arrived on Thursday April 22nd, in the capital, Damascus, according to the Kovacs program from the World Health Organization.

Ghabash added: “The platform aims to provide an opportunity for citizens who wish to receive the vaccine to register in it to form an integrated database that contributes to facilitating the process of administering the vaccine.”

A team from the Assad regime government concerned with the procedures for dealing with the Corona virus decided to return the working hours of public authorities to normal, starting next Sunday, while continuing to strictly apply the legal procedures regarding wearing masks and sterilization, according to “SANA”.

Last Wednesday, the Assad regime received its first shipment of Corona virus vaccine, which included 200,000 doses of AstraZeneca, through the global Kovacs initiative.

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