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In English

Via Turkey.. 65 UN aid trucks enter Idlib

The United Nations sent 65 trucks carrying humanitarian aid to Idlib and its countryside, northwestern Syria.
The UN aid entered Idlib through the “Gilo Gozo” crossing in Hatay Province, southern Turkey, opposite the Bab al-Hawa crossing, on the Syrian side.

The United Nations sends its humanitarian aid to Idlib periodically, through Turkey, as the Turkish authorities are keen to facilitate the entry of such aid that is provided to civilians and the displaced in Idlib.

The United Nations announced at the beginning of this April that 920 humanitarian aid trucks arrived in Syria via Turkish territory during the month of March.

In July 2020, the Security Council adopted a resolution whereby the UN cross-border aid mechanism was extended to Syria from one crossing (Gilo Gozo opposite the Bab al-Hawa crossing on the Syrian side) on the Turkish border for a year, after Russia twice denied sending that aid from more than one crossing.

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