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In English

During Astana, the UN envoy to Syria discusses holding the sixth round of the Constitutional Committee

Yesterday, Wednesday, the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geri Pedersen, said that he exchanged views with they delegations of the guarantor states of “Astana 16” on the convening of the sixth meeting of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva, Switzerland.

This came during his participation in the first day of the “16” round of Astana meetings in the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur Sultan, noting that he discussed the possibility of holding the sixth meeting of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

He stressed the importance of ensuring stable talks between the parties concerned for the resumption of the commission’s work.

It is noteworthy that the work of the Constitutional Committee began in November 2019, with meetings in Geneva. The committee consists of 150 members, 50 representatives of the opposition, the regime and civil society. It is expected to carry out the process of reformulating the Syrian constitution, under UN supervision.

The sponsoring countries of the conference will participate with high-level personalities, as the Turkish delegation is represented by the Director of the Syria Office at the Foreign Ministry, “Selcuk Unal,” and the Iranian delegation is represented by the Assistant Foreign Minister, “Ali Asghar Haji,” and Russia is participating in two delegations representing the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, and the delegation is headed by Presidential Envoy to Syria “Alexander.”

Lavrentiev and Stanislav Haji Mammadov, represented by the Chief of Staff. The opposition delegation is represented by Dr. Ahmed Tohme, head of the delegation, and the Assad regime delegation is headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Ayman Susan.

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