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In English

Anatoly Antonov: We hope that Russian and American diplomats will find a solution to the issue of border crossings in Syria

The Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, affirmed that he is very confident in the possibility of Russian and American diplomats to reach a solution on the issue of border crossings in Syria.

“It is difficult to predict the outcome of discussions in the UN Security Council, and I know that there are ideas on the part of the United States and Russia, as well as ideas of the member states of the Security Council,” Antonov said.

Antonov called for giving time to the Russian and American teams to find a solution to this issue and stressed, “I am confident that they will find a compromise, and I hope that this solution will take into account the concerns of Russia and the United States, and the interests of the Syrian people regarding their life and stability.”

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, recently called on the members of the Security Council to overcome their differences over the ways of delivering humanitarian aid to Syria, so that “millions of Syrians in need of humanitarian aid can obtain it through all available channels.”

The Special Representative of the Russian President on Syrian affairs, Alexander Lavrentiev, said that Russia calls for stopping the work of the cross-border aid delivery mechanism, considering that the aid should arrive through Damascus.

And the UN Security Council had postponed the vote on extending the mechanism for bringing aid across the border into Syria, after it was scheduled to take place today, Thursday, according to what diplomatic sources said, and said that “the idea now is (to hold the vote) on Friday,” while another source said that the delay grants more time to complete the negotiations.

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