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In English

The Assad government reveals the percentage of its profits from the project of drawing Jordanian electricity to Lebanon

An official in the Assad regime government revealed the value of money that the Assad government will pay to rehabilitate the electrical interconnection line for importing energy to Lebanon.

The Minister of Electricity in the Assad government, Ghassan Al-Zamil, said: “The Assad government will pay about five and a half million US dollars, with the aim of delivering electric power to Lebanon.”

Al-Zamil added that the Assad regime will receive a very small percentage of electric energy, in return for the passage of the electrical interconnection line from Jordan through Syrian territory, claiming that his government is not represented in the financial benefits that it will derive from this, but rather aims to help solve the problem of a “brotherly” Arab country, as he put it.

He stressed that the electrical interconnection line with Jordan is destroyed, and rehabilitating it is not a priority for his regime’s government, claiming, “The local need for Lebanon prompted his country to work on rehabilitating and maintaining it at a cost of five and a half million dollars.”

According to “Al-Zamil,” the electricity situation in Syria will improve for the better in the year 2023, as a result of the signed contracts that allow to increase the electricity generation capacity and restore the electricity supply in the country to what it was before 2011, he said.

He pointed out that the value of electric current in Syria is cheap, especially for industrialists, pointing out that there are intentions to increase the price of electricity in Assad regime-controlled areas.

He considered that the new increase will not be large and have an impact on citizens, as the first and second tranches will be avoided, and the amendment will include the industrial sector.

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