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In English

Iran: Our goal in Syria has not changed at all

Iranian Ambassador to Assad regime Mehdi Sobhani said that Tehran’s goal in Syria has not changed at all, clarifying  that “preserving gains is more difficult than achieving them.”

Sobhani stressed that the countries demanding a change in the Assad regime’s manner are “liars” ,because their strategy was to change the Assad regime in the country.

He considered that the battle in Syria is not over, as the “enemies of Syria” have moved from the military field to the arena of the economy and society with the aim of increasing the suffering of the Syrian people to force the Assad regime to abandon its positions and prepare the appropriate ground for achieving their goals against Syria.

The Iranian ambassador promised that his country would provide the Syrian regime with all expertise to confront European and American sanctions.

He pointed out that “the level of our cooperation with Assad regime has reached the highest level, and there is a military cooperation agreement between the two countries. The agreement covers all areas of cooperation and is applied and implemented as required.”

He explained, “We are in full cooperation and coordination with the government of the Assad regime, and we will do everything in our power to confront this economic war, but we are completely confident of our victory.”

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