Syria Civil Defence calls on the international community to take decisive measures against Russia’s blackmail concerning aid delivery into Syria
The Syria Civil Defence called on the international community to take decisive measures against Russia’s political blackmail in order to resolve the issue of aid delivery into Syria.
This call came as the mandate for UN cross-border humanitarian assistance delivery into Syria is about to expire.
The Syria Civil Defence confirmed in a statement the delivery of life-saving aid must not be depend on the Security Council’s vote. The Civil Defence added that there is a legal ground allows the United Nations to deliver aid without the approval of the Security Council.”
The Civil Defence considered that the primary mission of the Security Council is to support international peace and security, and to vote in favor of measures that save many lives.
The Civil Defence pointed out that the Syrians are facing successive burdens and crises after 12 years of war launched by the Assad regime and Russia against them, pointing out that the Security Council should not be used as a platform that deprives vulnerable people of basic humanitarian assistance, after 12 years of war.
The “Syrian Response Coordination Group” has confirmed the largely ongoing deficit within the various humanitarian sectors, after the expire of three months out of only six months of the validity of UNSC Resolution 2672/2023 of cross-border aid delivery into Syria.