A mass grave holding hundreds of corpses was found in Aleppo city
The Interior Ministry in Syrian’s caretaker government announced on Monday, December 30, the discovery of a mass grave in Aleppo city.
The discovery came after a resident of the area informed the security authorities there the presence of a mass grave containing hundreds of corpses.
The Brigadier General Ahmed Latouf, the police chief of Aleppo governorate, headed with a team of police command to the site to reveal and assess the situation, according to the Ministry’s statement.
The Ministry pointed out that it informed the Civil Defence teams to head to the site of the mass grave to identify the bodies DNA analysis.
The Ministry stressed in its statement that the initial investigations will aim to reveal the circumstances and conditions of the incident in addition to its time.
The Military Operations Department fighters found last Sunday a mass grave containing remains of several unidentified persons in the Al-Qabou area in the northwestern countryside of Homs.
Local sources reported that the grave contained about 15 unidentified people, confirming that the Syria Civil Defiance’s teams headed towards the site of the grave to recover the remains, without identifying the people or the circumstances of their killings.
Earlier, the Syrian Civil Defence Foundation called on the local authorities and media outlets in Syria to take immediate measures to protect mass graves that are subject to serious violations.