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In English

Lebanese security hands over a defected Syrian refugee to the Assad regime forces

The Lebanese security forces handed over the young Hussein Jumaa Al-Sayed to the Assad regime forces, at the border checkpoints with Lebanon, after he was arrested for two days inside Lebanese territory.

Activists reported that a Lebanese army unit arrested the dissident young man Hussein Al-Sayed from the village of Hosh Arab in Western Qalamoun while he was working to fill water in a village in the Lebanese “Baalbek” governorate, without an apparent charge against him.

Meanwhile, human rights activists emphasized that the handover of Syrian refugees to the Assad regime by the Lebanese security services is carried out in an illegal manner, and that the refugees are protected under international law, and their handover to the regime is prohibited in accordance with that protection.

It is worth noting that the Lebanese security and intelligence services are handing over many refugee youths to Lebanese territory for the Assad regime, by secret methods.

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