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In English

Iran establishes a shipping line between “Bandar Abbas” and Latakia, ignoring the “Caesar law”

The head of the “Iranian-Syrian Joint Chamber of Commerce”, Kiwan Kashefi, said yesterday, Thursday, that Iran has established a shipping line from Iranian waters to the port of Latakia on the Syrian coast, despite US sanctions under the “Caesar Act” that prevent any party from supporting the Assad regime.

Kashefi confirmed that Iran had established a “regular maritime shipping line” from the port of “Bandar Abbas” overlooking the Arabian Gulf, to the port of Latakia on the Syrian coast.

Kashefi added that the first cargo ship will leave the port of “Bandar Abbas” on March 10 to the port of Latakia, “and this ship is supposed to transport goods for export from Iran to Syria every month.”

Kashefi pointed out that “these exports will increase the volume of Iran’s exports,” noting that “if the trade capacity between the two countries increases, more shipping lines will be allocated.”

He added that “any merchant can choose Syria as his export destination if he wants”, in an outright disregard for the sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran on the one hand, and on the Assad regime on the other hand.

The Iranian official did not explain how cargo ships could reach the Syrian coast, noting that they must pass through the “Bab al-Salama” (Hormuz) strait, then in the Arabian Sea region, to the Bab al-Mandab strait on the Red Sea, and then from the Suez Canal to water

Under the “Caesar Act”, whose first lists were issued against the Assad regime in June 2020, the United States imposes sanctions on any party that deals commercially or militarily with the Assad regime, including states, individuals and entities.

Iran usually transfers weapons, fighters and money to the Assad regime through airlines that are also subject to US sanctions, such as the “Mahan Air” (Iranian Airlines), in addition to the traditional land transportation routes that pass through Iraqi lands to the areas controlled by the Assad regime.

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