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Ibrahim Kalan: Turkey is resolving its position regarding the purchase of the Russian “S400” defense system

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said yesterday, Thursday, that his country has settled its position regarding the purchase of the Russian “S400” missile system after the US escalation.

Kalan stressed that his country does not plan to back down from the purchase of the “S400” air defense systems it bought from Russia.

In an interview with TRT, Kalan stressed that the decision to purchase air defenses from Russia was not made overnight.

He indicated that the contract was signed before the United States signed the Anti-America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, allowing the White House to impose sanctions on countries that buy weapons from countries that Washington considers an “adversary” – namely Russia and China.

The agency “Bloomberg” said earlier that “Turkey is ready to make concessions to the United States on the Russian missile defense” S400 “if Washington ends its support for Kurdish militias in Syria.

It is noteworthy that Turkey’s purchase of the Russian “S400” air defense systems caused tensions between Ankara and Washington, the exclusion of Turkey from the American program for modern “F-35” fighters, and the United States imposed economic sanctions on Turkey for its purchase of the Russian systems.

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