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Jeffrey: The world is making a big mistake by ignoring the terrifying humanitarian situation in Syria

The former US envoy to Syria James Jeffrey confirmed, in an interview with Al-Arabiya Al-Hadath, on Monday, that the world is making a big mistake by ignoring the dreadful humanitarian situation in Syria.

James Jeffrey added that he does not see any solution soon to the situation in Syria, stressing that the Syrians will decide their fate.

Jeffrey stressed the necessity of implementing Security Council Resolution 2254, which governs a political process in Syria, and explained that there are five countries interfering in Syria, namely Iran, Russia, Turkey, America and Israel.

Jeffrey believed that the United States should have a comprehensive policy towards Iran that would ensure the cessation of its interference in the region, and work to limit the presence of Iranian militias in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.

He considered that Iran has a strategic project in the Middle East, expressing concern about its stay in Syria, as is the case with Russia, and affirming that Tehran has a big project.

Jeffrey explained that Turkey has repeatedly confirmed to Washington that it does not intend to stay in Syria forever, and that it has announced its willingness to withdraw once a permanent solution to the war is secured.

Jeffrey pointed out that Bashar al-Assad contributed to changing the demography in Syria and deserting the population, and revealed two desired goals from the sanctions imposed on Syria, the first to hold the individuals involved in the killings responsible, and the second to prevent the Assad regime from benefiting financially.

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