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In English

69 new cases of Coronavirus were recorded in the liberated north of Syria

The liberated areas recorded a jump in Corona’s toll, with the detection of 69 infections, while the health of the Assad regime recorded 80 injuries and 5 deaths, and the Autonomous Administration recorded 248 infections and 12 deaths.

In the details, the epidemiological surveillance laboratory of the “EWARN Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network” program in the Support Coordination Unit revealed 69 cases of Coronavirus, in the liberated areas in northern Syria.

The network concerned with monitoring the outcomes of Corona in northern Syria indicated that 33 new cases were recorded in Corona, where the number of injuries reached 22,033, recoveries 20,015 cases, and 655 deaths, while it confirmed that the number of cases that were tested yesterday was 505, bringing the total number of cases tested until yesterday to 123 thousand
And 129 tests in northern Syria.

The network recorded 31 new injuries in the “Peace Spring” regions in the north-east of the country, bringing the number of injuries to 397, and 88 recovering cases, with no new cases discovered.

It is noteworthy that the Idlib Health Directorate, in cooperation with the Syria Vaccine Team, has started a vaccination campaign against Coronavirus, in Idlib Governorate, targeting medical personnel and health workers.

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