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In English

Rocket attack targeting an Iraqi military base housing US soldiers

Yesterday, Sunday, a missile attack targeted an Iraqi military air base housing American soldiers at Baghdad International Airport.

A security source told Anadolu Agency, “An attack by two Katyusha missiles targeted Baghdad International Airport, where there is an Iraqi military air base that includes a section for the American side.”

The source explained, “The American C-RAM missile defense system responded to one of the missiles, while the second landed in the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport, and that the attack did not result in material or human losses.”

No party has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, while the international coalition led by Washington has not commented on the attack, and Baghdad International Airport includes two parts, one of which is civilian affiliated with the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority, and the other is military, which is the Martyr Muhammad Alaa base and affiliated to the Air Force Command.
Iraqi forces in the military part of the airport.

Over the past months, military bases housing US forces in Iraq have been subjected to missile attacks, for which Washington accused the Iranian militias of being responsible.

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