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In English

A Turkish soldier was killed and 11 others were injured due to the targeting of a Turkish convoy with an explosive device in northern Idlib

A Turkish soldier was killed and 11 others were wounded, yesterday evening, Monday, as a result of targeting a convoy of the Turkish forces with an explosive device near the village of Kafr Lusin in the northern countryside of Idlib.

Our correspondent said that an explosive device exploded while a convoy of Turkish forces was passing near the village of Kafrlossin on the Syrian-Turkish border, heading to the southern countryside of Idlib.

The reporter added that the explosion caused the death of a Turkish soldier and injured 11 others, six of them in a serious condition, and caused great damage to a Turkish vehicle as a result of the explosion.

The correspondent explained that ambulances escorting the convoy took Turkish soldiers to the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey, and then they were transferred to Turkish hospitals.

The Turkish army columns in the Idlib countryside have been subjected to repeated attacks with improvised explosive devices by unknown persons, the last of which was the import of Bab al-Hawa Idlib near the town of Maarat Misrin.

A Turkish soldier was killed last month, after a Turkish military convoy was targeted in the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo, as it was passing through the Al-Bab-Al-Rai highway.

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