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In English

Representatives in the US Congress warn the Biden administration against selling Syria again

A number of members of the US Congress, representing the Republican Party, sharply criticized the administration of President Joe Biden, accusing it of tolerating the Assad regime in order to satisfy Iran.

This came in a speech by three of the most prominent members of the Republican Party yesterday, Thursday, to each of the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

“We are writing to you to express our concerns about the failure to impose sanctions on the brutal Assad regime in Syria, Iran’s biggest ally in the Middle East, while the administration is negotiating with Iran about a return to the failed Iranian nuclear deal,” the three representatives said in the letter.

The letter added, “Last month, Fox News reported that Iran is violating US sanctions by sending four ships carrying more than 3 million barrels of Iranian oil to the Baniyas oil refinery in Syria, and as you know, such measures would be a clear violation of US sanctions on Both Iran and Syria ”.

The speech pointed out that Congress passed the Caesar Act to Protect Civilians in Syria with bipartisan support, under which the Trump administration imposed a total of six different sanctions packages on the Assad regime and its supporters.

Representatives expressed deep concern over the Biden administration’s refusal to impose any sanctions under the Caesar Act more than 100 days after he took office.

Rep. Brian Steele said in the letter that he and his fellow Republican Study Group colleagues are committed to investigating and revealing any sanctions relief being offered to Iran and its allies as part of efforts to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the Iran nuclear deal).

Steele added, “After more than 100 days in office, the Biden administration has refused to impose any sanctions under the Caesar Act,” adding, “Enforcement of sanctions against these threats should be a top priority.”

In turn, prominent lawmaker Joe Wilson said, “The Iran deal sold the Syrian people the first time, and I fear history will repeat itself.”

It is noteworthy that the administration of US President Joe Biden has not imposed any sanctions on the Assad regime, without providing any justification for that.

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