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In English

WHO: Closing Bab al-Hawa crossing will lead to a new humanitarian catastrophe in northern Syria

Today, Friday, World Health Organization spokesman Christian Lindmeier warned of a “humanitarian catastrophe” if the extension of the mechanism for the delivery of humanitarian aid across the border to Syria, which is scheduled to expire on July 10, fails.

This came in a press statement by Lindmeier from the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and stressed that the lack of authorization to send humanitarian aid to Syria and cross-border aid could lead to a new “humanitarian catastrophe” in the northwest of the country.

Lindmeier explained that the failure of the Security Council to renew the mandate for another additional year on the tenth of next July “may prevent the delivery of vaccines to the region, including those for Covid-19.”

Seven international organizations, including the World Health Organization, demanded on June 18, through a joint statement, the UN Security Council to extend the mechanism for delivering humanitarian aid to Syria, through “Bab al-Hawa” for an additional year.

“Failure to renew the mandate will result in a halt to the UN’s delivery of food, coronavirus vaccines, essential medical supplies, shelter, protection, clean water, sanitation and other life-saving assistance to 3.4 million people, including 1 million children,” the statement warned.

Resolutions from the Security Council require the approval of at least 9 of its members, provided that none of the five permanent members, namely Russia, China, the United States, France and Britain, object to it.

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