In English

The US State Department: Washington will not withdraw from Syria and is studying the next steps regarding the settlement

The US State Department confirmed yesterday, Thursday, that Washington is now studying the steps that can be taken towards a political settlement in Syria, in consultation with allies and partners, noting that it will maintain its military presence in the northeast of the country.

A US State Department official said: “We affirm the continued commitment of the United States to support the political process led by the Syrian people, as envisaged in Security Council Resolution 2254, and to hold the Assad regime accountable for the countless atrocities it has committed against the Syrian people.”
He added, “We are now reviewing what we can do to advance a political settlement and will consult closely with allies and partners as we do so.

The American official stressed that the United States intends to maintain a limited military presence in northeastern Syria with the sole aim of fighting ISIS in partnership with the Syrian Democratic Forces to establish stability in the liberated areas.

He noted that “the United States is committed to supporting its local partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, in their efforts to prevent the resurgence of ISIS, and our efforts include a renewed focus on stabilizing lands liberated from ISIS control, and support for local institutions and civil society organizations.

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