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In English

Turkey: We secure for Syrians the capabilities that we offer our citizens

The President of the Turkish Parliament, Moustafa Shantoub, said that his country provides Syrians with the same capabilities that it provides to its citizens, noting that “Turkey is the country that hosts the most refugees in the world.”

This came during his meeting with the President of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir, in his office in the capital, Ankara, as part of the latter’s first visit to Turkey since he took office.
“This is something other countries cannot do, even if they possess economic capabilities,” Shantoub added.

For his part, Bozkir confirmed that he is about to conduct a visit to Hatay state, southern Turkey, during which he will inspect the conditions of the Syrians there, and visit Turkey as part of a tour that also includes Qatar, which he will visit on Wednesday, and then Azerbaijan.

Turkey receives the largest number of Syrian refugees since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, as the number of Syrians in it reached nearly 3 million.

Source: Yeni Shafak

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